Monday, April 12, 2010

My Big PA Weekend!

Well, Dad & I arrived safely home last night from our trip to Pennsylvania. We were there for me to meet Dad's family.

I had a great time! I had no idea Dad had so many relatives. I met my grandparents, aunts, cousins great-grandparents & even some friends! They were all very nice to me. I have to say though, that meeting so many people at once made me a little nervous. A few times I got protective, especially when strange men arrived. Dad tried to reassure me that they were friendly, but my instincts kicked in. I especially took a disliking to the guy with one leg! Dad did not seem very pleased with my reaction. Eventually though, we became friends & had some fun.

The other two men also scared me at first (Dad calls them Randy & Art). I think Dad's starting to figure out that I'm not as fond of men as women. Although the men that Dad has brought to his house have not bothered me so much. Dad says that it's because most of those men are "special." I have no idea what that means, but I will say that most of them are different than the men I met in PA. I was fine with one guy in PA though - Dad called him Carl. Maybe he's "special" like Dad's friends in NYC? Who knows...

Anyway, my Aunt Stacy & Grandma Gregor both gave me gifts! I got two tennis balls from Aunt Stacy (yummy!) and several things from Grandma G. Dad didn't let me play too long with the goodies from Gram G though; the chew bone had my name on it & Dad said it was too nice. I guess things that are "too nice" shouldn't be torn apart & ingested? Not sure why. Regardless, I was very happy to receive the gifts!

Dad seems to really enjoy this thing he called a car, but I was not a fan. It made me sick; three times on the way to PA & one time on the way back. When I realized that laying down  made me less sick, I stayed down for most of the trip home. That made a big difference!

Everyone had such a big house down there! I had a lot more room to stretch my legs. Plus, everyone has there own dog park behind their houses - can you believe it?! I got the park all to myself too - no sharing with other dogs! That was very cool. I could pee & poo wherever I wanted!

I was also very happy when Dad let me sleep in bed with him Saturday night. He said that since my brothers (the cats) weren't with us, it was OK. The bed at Grammy & Pappy Heckard's was so comfortable! It was so much softer than the crate I sleep in. Dad had to drag me off the bed in the morning.

On the way home, Dad did something he called "singing." All I can say about that is "Oh God!!!" It was definitely one of those times when I wish my hearing weren't so sharp. He sure seemed to enjoy it though. He acted like he was on a Broadway stage or something!

All in all, I had quite a wonderful weekend, despite the vomiting & Dad's singing. Dad says that we'll be coming down there a lot more over the next few months, which is fine by me.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday

Dad & I are both happy that the rain has ended, and we've been enjoying the nice weather. Our Easter Sunday has been relaxing so far, but I think we're going out for a while later in the day.

I am getting to know my two brothers, Lucky & Sylvester. They are very cautious around me, but also very curious. Lucky seems to be more comfortable with me than Sylvester; as you can see in one of the pictures, we were both sitting on the couch the other day! Granted, it was at opposite ends, but I was happy that he was willing to join me.

Dad brought home a huge bone from the neighborhood pet store on Thursday - yummy! He also plans to buy some more treats, since we're almost out. Yesterday he put clean towels in my crate and said that I'm getting another bath before we go to PA next weekend.

I find that noises in the hallway startle me, so I usually bark when I hear something. I have to ensure that Dad knows that someone else is near our territory! Dad doesn't seem to understand this service I'm offering though; he always tells me "quiet." I guess humans aren't as worried about this type of stuff?

Anyway, that's about all there is for now. I'll have more stories soon, I'm sure.

Friday, April 2, 2010

New Pictures!

Hi all,

Dad has added a few new photos. He says I'm getting cuter every day!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Playing in the rain, and other fun stuff.

So the recent deluge of wind & rain has made Astoria Park a huge pile of mud. Dad doesn't look very happy when we're out for a walk, but I think it's awesome! I especially love to run around Dad in circles & splash water & mud in all directions.

I've successfully chewed my first toy to death. It survived about a week and a half. I got bored with it last night, though and left it in the park somewhere in the mud & rain. Dad said that it was my decision, but that we aren't coming back for it. I have a feeling that I'll be able to talk Dad into buying me some new toys... :)

Dad got a little nervous over the past few days, because he thought I might have a contagious form of mange. He had noticed a few bumps on himself, so I guess he assumed the worst. I'm starting to think that Dad might be a drama queen. He went to the doctor today, who said it was probably just flea bites. Dad was happy because he had already started me with flea, tic & heartworm medication the other day; now he just has to keep an eye on my brothers (the cats).

I'm really hating the gates & crate, especially when Dad is home; I make him push me behind the gate when he wants me to go there, and I like to stand on my hind legs and lean over the top of the gate and stare at him. I know I'm working his guilt & I'm pretty sure I'll wear him down soon. He has already compromised by giving me a bed to lay on in the living room. He's trying to teach me "bed," which I think means he wants me to stay on the new spot. I get it, but sometimes I try to sneak closer to him & the cats.

Dad's also trying to teach me "stay." I'm not quite sure I've figured this one out yet.

Dad said we're probably going home the weekend after Easter, when the roads are quieter.

Anyway, it's all going well. I'm really looking forward to nicer & warmer weather; I want to meet more doggy neighbors & stay outside longer.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

End of my first week

It has been 8 days since I left my friends in Yonkers & moved in with my new dad. I think I'm starting to get comfortable with my new surroundings. Dad pets me a lot and likes to kiss the top of my head. He also has offered me many different kinds of treats including cooked pig's ears & freeze-dried lamb lung. He always makes a funny face when he watches me eat them. I'm not sure what his problem is, but I really like them!

I met some more of Dad's friends today (he called them Hinson & Michael). They were both very nice, but I'm a little suspicious of the Asian one; he started drooling when he saw me. The big white one was very nice to me & kept telling me I have a big head, which of course was a compliment (what else could it be?).

Earlier in the day, Dad disappeared for a while & came back with some white powder stuff. He mixed it into some yummy food and gave it to me. He said that the doctor wants me to take it for worms. I don't know what that means, but the food was really good, so who cares. The doctor did tell Dad that I am heartworm-free, which he said is a big relief. No evidence of fleas or tics either. Overall, the doctor said I was in very good health & very well socialized; she seemed surprised, but I know that I'm a classy gal.

Dad has been letting me sit in the living room with him at night, which is really awesome! So much better than the crate I have to stay in when he's gone. I feel safe in the crate, since I lived in one for a year at the shelter, but I really love hanging out with Dad & my two brothers. Sometimes I make Dad drag me back into the kitchen; I want to make sure he knows I prefer his company.

Dad said that I have to go to another place soon to visit my grandparents and other relatives. He said he wasn't sure if we were going next weekend or the one after, but that he would tell me soon. It sounds pretty nice there, but four hours in a car might make me really sick.

I have some pretty fun toys to play with & chew on. I'm trying to learn how to chew without destroying my toys so quickly. My favorite toy is already near death. I had a really good time killing it though!

Anyway, there's probably more, but that's all I can think of for now.  I will post some more again soon.

Welcome to Penelope's blog!

Thank you for visitng this site to read about my new life in Astoria. My new dad, Barry, will be writing the updates (since I haven't learned to read or write yet).

I hope you visit often & leave comments!

Penelope (aka Ms. Cruz)